Supermarketing: Getting Published!

I totally forgot I never actually posted this here!

What feels like a lifetime ago, I was working on a series of blog posts I called Supermarketing.

I wrote a whole bunch of them and even had a big schedule for uploading them. Then, I posted one and everything went quiet on that front.

What happened?

Well, the agency I was working for at the time caught wind of the concept and fell in love with it! They pitched them to website It’s Nice That and they eventually got gathered together and published!

I mean, I work on between three to five kids magazines every month nowadays so getting something published is less of a big deal but that was HUGE deal to me a couple of years ago.

So please, feel free to click THIS LINK and have a read of what was called Supermarketing, but became “Caped Creatives: Superhero comics and making it in an agency”!


Supermarketing: Secret Identities

Superman Reveals his secret identity Clark Kent to Lois LaneAlmost every superhero ever to exist has had a secret identity. Spider-Man is secretly Peter Parker, under the mask Batwoman is really Kate Kane, Superman puts on his glasses and disappears into Clark Kent. The list is almost endless. When you work in marketing, you join those hallowed ranks. Your name becomes a secret identity, the brand your mask and cape.

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